Stop the illegal murder of my animals by the Hamilton, Ontario Police and hamilton SPCA

My cat charlie was stolen and kiilled by the police and spca illegally 2 weeks ago. Yesterday i got a bill in the mail for the cost of stealing him and killing him. $400. If not payed by this monday - 3 days, they are coming this tuesday and taking the rest of my animals to kill them!!! THE SPCA ARE ON RECORD STATING THAT THEY HAVE NO ISSUES WITH US AS CAREGIVERS TO OUR ANIMALS!! THIS IS ILLEGAL!! But when the police are breaking the law as well,what do we do? Turn to YOU, the people!! We need your support because my young adult daughter and i are not allowing any more of our family to be murdered!!! But this tuesday, if  we dont get some help to stop this, WE WILL NOT GIVE UP WITHOUT A FIGHT!! Please help, sign and share!!!! My family's lives are at stake as is mine!!! I will be attaching the full story and documents later on tonight. 

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