Tell Gillette to stop testing on animals

Products containing new or reformulated ingredients that fall under the FDA definition of over-the-counter drugs must be retested according to the law. Gillette uses the following tests on these products:

Acute inhalation test that expose rodents to an aerosol test substance to examine effects on lungs and other major organs.
Acute toxicity tests use a single dose of the test substance in amounts no more than five grams of substance per kilogram of body weight of rodents
Anticaries tests that apply a substance to the teeth of rodents to determine if it can prevent decay
Mucosal tests that apply a test substance to the inside of rodent cheeks to confirm mildness
Pharmacological tests that use rodents to determine absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion of drug compounds, characterization of drug effects and factors modifying those effects.
Sensitization tests on rodents to determine that substances applied to the skin do not cause allergic responses
Modified Draize tests to test substances on the skin and in the eyes of rabbits to confirm mildness

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