Get proper security at hwange national.park to protect the wildlife!

  • av: keely burrows
  • mottagare: Mr.e.chidziya director of zimbabwe national park

Seems to be alot of mishapps going on at hwange national park!...which are having devastating consequences on our wildlife!...
Cecil the lions brutal.murder!
Illegal poaching!
The poisoning of elephants and thier babies!
Other animals murdered from having thier water supply poisoned!
Staff members at the park being questioned for involvement in wrong doings!
By signing this petition you agree that
Hwange national.park need to employ more trained staff to secure the animals welfair!
Too many wildlife are being slaughtered!! These animals are innocent!! Why are there so many deaths of innocent animals at hwange national.park? This is murder!! 

Hwange national park need to act now! Before there is no wildlife left!


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