Rescue Blue from an agonizing death

  • av: Alexandra Fulford
  • mottagare: Maldives Ministry of Fisheries & Agriculture and the Ministry of Tourism

Blue and the other cats and kittens from Biyadhoo Island Resort in the Maldives have been dumped and left to die on an island with very limited water and food supply.

During my stay on Biyhadoo Island in December I and other tourists witnessed the abuse of cats and kittens on on the island.  I offered the management help to neuter the cats to stop the overpopulation of the island, and informed them I would adopt Blue and return to get her in February. This was ignored and all the cats, including young kittens like Blue, have now been dumped on Villivaru island where they have very limited access to food and water. Kittens like Blue may only have days left to live unless water can be got to them.

We need to stand up for these cats and kittens in the Maldives, facing a miserable death for the sake of tourism.  

We need to demand action to be taken to help these cats and kittens and get them a steady supply of water and food and get them neutered.   

We need help to get keep Blue alive an get her out of there - she needs to be vaccianted, chipped and prepared for travel. She has a loving home to come to - please do not let her die a slow, painful death.Demand action!

The basis of this petition is to seek urgent help for the former cats from Biyadhoo Island who have been dumped on Villivaru island where their condition is rapidly deteriorating due to very limited access to water and food.  Amongst these cats is a kitten Blue who I had hoped to adopt.

My self and other tourists witnessed the abuse of these cats and kittens whilst on Biyadhoo, a result of an overpopulation of cats.  In order for this to stop I offered to help organise a vet to come to the Maldives to neuter them and I offered to adopt and rescue Blue and possibly her sibling too.  Days after I left, despite this humane offer, these cats were dumped on Villivaru island.  I have had local confirmation that they are suffering and slowly dying.  This is totally unacceptable, especially when a humane alternative existed.

Given this appalling state of affairs, which paints a very negative light on the Maldives and the management of Biyadhoo Island, we the undersigned are demanding immediate action.  We want to see an urgent rescue mission to the island to provide the cats with water and food, and for this to be done on at the minimum on a weekly basis.  We ask that vets are found to neuter these cats to prevent the incessant overpopulation and consequent misery for these cats and kittens.

We also demand help in rescuing baby Blue, and if still alive her sibling, - getting her off the island urgently and prepped for travel and adoption to Switzerland.

There is never any excuse for animal cruelty.  The world is watching today - stop the cruelty.

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Great news - Biyadhoo Island resort has now offered 7 days accommodation for a certified vet who can come and neuter the island cats. This means we now need to focus this petition on getting the government to permit the use of sedatives to be able to neuter the female cats and of course we need to find a vet who can travel to the Maldives. We also still need to get help to get Blue vaccinated and prepped for travel.
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