Save our dog now from wrongfully being put to sleep under the dangerous dog act

Our dog Guvnor has been wrongly accused of attacking another dog there is no evidence of this i.e vet records photos etc...Our dog was muzzled and on a lead at the time and he was the one hurt by the other dog and we was the ones who called the police at the time all there is is the say so of a few witnesses our dog as already been assessed and was allowed to come home under the dangerous dog act and the person who has acccused our dog of this act phoned the police 4 days later Guvnor is a loving friendly family pet we are trying everything we can to save hes life please sign this petition and stop this injustice this is so wrong just because of he's breed this is a very heartbreaking time for us all and he's best friend mannie the pug is missing him to please help us get our gorgeous boy home where he belongs not sitting in a cage alone waiting to die  Thank you x

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