How To Kill A Cat

   Have a cat you no longer want, or you just want to get rid of the neigbors kitty?  Simple...Just drop it off at the Mat-Su Borough Animal shelter, and it will be on a fast track to the litter box of fire and fry, all cause it was a cat!
   Cats are placed at the top of the kill list once they enter the local shelter, even though there are non profits which are more than willing and able to take them in, and locate them homes, the shelter is not under orders to kill, but the shelter continues to do so on its own accord - rather then save lifes.
   This is a no brainer! when there are non-profits willing to save local government money, time, resources, etc... and they still want to kill animals??? some thing is wrong here!!! Is it just cause they are cats?? no one knows, the fact remains that time is of the up most and change must be affected ASAP! as all cats going into the shelter are placed on priorty kill list.
   Recently the Mat-Su Borough has made a 180 turn in how they deal with animals and rescue groups at the shelter. Following the leave of four shelter managers in 4 years, the new acting manager has chosen to ignore the standing written policy that allows rescue groups to take an animal instead of it being euthanized. The acting manager is also in the act of rewriting the policy to reflect her wishes, even if a rescue group is standing by to take an animal, the shelter can euthanize it instead, this is ethical and morally wrong!.  Euthanizing,  and incinerating costs money while turning animals over to rescue groups brings money in. Rescue groups PAY to rescue these animals. So why would the Mat-Su Borough want to kill the animals? Something is grossly wrong here. Time is of the essence and change must be effected ASAP! The Borough Assembly must pass an ordinance that would guarantee that if an animal at the shelter is requested by a rescue group, the animal WILL be turned over to the rescue group rather than be euthanized.

              We need signatures ASAP, and lots of them! 

Please sign this petition and get on the hot line to all you know, get the word out, the more signatures the sooner change happens. 

   Dear Mat-Su Borough Assembly:

   Every one understands times are ruff, and funds are tight, but it just does not make economic sense to spend money to euthanize an animal (in this case, cats) when there are groups dedicated to taking them in, and insuring they are fixed, given the required shots, and then keeping them as long as need to find them a loving home, all at no cost to your shelter.
   We the under signed,respectfully request the Mat-Su Borough Assembly implement the following, to affect changes at the Mat-Su Borough animal shelter at the soonest possible date:

   1. That all cats enterting any Mat-Su shelter be placed on a no kill list for a min. period of sixty (60) days.
   2. That any Mat-Su animal shelter immediately phone a non-profit group to come and pick up any cat brough in within the sixty (60) day period.
   3. That any Mat-Su animal shelter receiveing a cat which was once turned in to the shelter, and turned over to a non-profit group, that the animal shelter again call the non-profit and allow them to again pick up the cat from the shelter for placement.
   It is much more cost effective to the tax payer to allow a non-profit to take in a cat and place it in a home, then it is for a shelter to hold the animal and process it through the system, and into the land fill.  It is also ethical and morally right to allow non-profit to fill a need, this is why non-profits exist.
   Please consider the above request, and take immediate action to affect positive change through out the Mat-Su Borbough animal shelter system.


   The under signed.


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