Find Man Who Kicked a Field Goal With Cat on Video

    Target: Josh Hawley, Attorney General of Missouri
    Goal: Find and prosecute young man caught on video abusing an innocent cat

    An innocent cat was brutally kicked around a Missouri football field by a young man as his friends cheered him on. This despicable act of animal abuse was filmed and posted on Snapchat, much to the horror and disgust of many, and while the authorities state their intent to find and capture the culprit, no word has been given regarding the cat’s condition or whether it is even alive.

    To say this is a reprehensible act of animal cruelty is underselling it. The culprit subjected this poor cat to brutal physical violence for the sake of cheap laughs and video footage, most likely intended to gain views and media attention. The young man’s friends were seen laughing at the animal’s misfortune, and the animal could very well be dead by now. To make matters worse, the kicker was seen wearing cleats, which are meant to dig into soft surfaces and enhance the intensity of a kick.

    Dead or alive, this poor cat deserves justice, and the unknown assailant deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law for such deplorable behavior. Sign this petition to ensure that the young man is found guilty and prosecuted for animal abuse.
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