Demand Macy's stop selling mink, fox,and rabbit fur coats

I was shocked to discover that Macy's Department stores still sell rabbit, fox, mink and coyote fur coats. In this day of super-warm synthetic furs and coats, it is disgraceful to be rewarding companies who still murder beautiful animals to make coats of their fur. The need for real fur is long over!  Tell Macy's executives through this petition that you will not shop in their stores until they finally abandon this barbaric practice.

Dear Terry J. Lundgren:
CEO - Macys, Inc.
7 West Seventh Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Dear Mr. Lundgren:

While purusing your latest store flyer, I was shocked to discover that Macy's Department stores still sell rabbit, fox, mink and coyote fur coats. In this day of super-warm synthetic furs and coats, it is disgraceful to be rewarding companies who still murder beautiful animals to make coats of their fur.

Human impacts on this planet are accelerating so badly that it is not unreasonable to state that we are in a new mass extinction of animal and plant life on Earth.  You can make a real difference by refusing to participate in the slaughter of tens of thousands of fur animals.  Tell your buyers to source only synthetic fur.  The need for real animal fur is long over!

Enclosed is a petition from tens of thousands of your customers, asking you to have the decency to abandon this barbaric practice.  Until you do, we will not shop in a Macy's store.

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