Tell Utah- Don't Slaughter Coyotes

Utah legislature has passed a Senate Bill 245, titled the "Mule Deer Protection Act," intending to slaughter thousands of coyotes, using 3/4 of a million tax dollars.

SOURCE and Additional Petition:

The bill is backed by extreme hunting groups and some in agribusiness in the hopes that fewer coyotes will mean more mule deer for human hunters and fewer livestock losses for those in agribusiness.

Research shows that human hunters, habitat degradation, and climate have greater effects on deer herd size than does predation by coyotes. The truth is coyotes typically prey upon rodents and rabbits, which actually increases forage for deer, and for livestock.

Tell Governor Herbert to veto this bill.

Utah Governor Gay Herbert
Utah State Capitol Complex
350 North State Street, Suite 200
PO Box 142220
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2220

Utah legislature has passed a Senate Bill 245, titled the "Mule Deer Protection Act," intending to slaughter thousands of coyotes, using 3/4 of a million tax dollars.

SOURCE and Additional Petition:
The bill is backed by extreme hunting groups and some in agribusiness in the hopes that fewer coyotes will mean more mule deer for human hunters and fewer livestock losses for those in agribusiness.

Research shows that human hunters, habitat degradation, and climate have greater effects on deer herd size than does predation by coyotes. The truth is coyotes typically prey upon rodents and rabbits, which actually increases forage for deer, and for livestock.

Tell Governor Herbert to veto this bill.

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