Demand justice for a Russian bear deliberately run down by a train driver

  • av: Georgina B
  • mottagare: Russian President Putin

In a shocking video posted on YouTube, a Russian train driver can be seen deliberately running down a bear that is trying to escape its path.

The video shows the bear vainly trying to outrun the train on the tracks ahead.

The video records the following conversation:" Be quiet!" a male can be heard saying, before shouting: "Crush him! Crush him!"

The male voice shouts: "Got him!” as the bear disappears under the front of the train.

Shot at night from the front of a train, the reflection of the mobile phone used to make the video can be seen in the train's windscreen.

Investigations have already commenced into the incident – prosecutors have already stated that the train's crew is deliberately speeding up and isn't trying to avoid a collision with the innocent bear.

Those responsible for this act of deliberate cruelty need to be found and made an example of. They must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Please sign and share the petition to demand justice for the Russian bear, deliberately run down by a train driver.

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