SeaQuest's Treatment of Animals Is Finally Coming to Light. It's Time for All Locations To Close.

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Department of Agriculture and SeaQuest

In a step forward in animal rights, the SeaQuest location in Fort Worth, Texas is closing – but this is not enough. With a history of over 80 citations in five years for issues including human injuries and animal deaths, SeaQuest has shown a chronic disregard for the wellbeing of its captive wildlife and safety of its visitors.

Sign the petition to urge SeaQuest to shut down its remaining locations and send all animals to reputable sanctuaries!

This isn't just about one location; it's about every location. Each SeaQuest aquarium operates under the same model that prioritizes profit over ethical treatment.

SeaQuest's animals, many of which are exotic and require specialized care, are kept in conditions far from their natural habitats, without access to sunlight or fresh air. 

With ongoing investigations and continuous public outcry, it's clear that the remaining facilities must be shut down. 

Sign the petition to demand these animals are given the care they deserve and put an end to this cycle of exploitation!

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