Support our Paramedics

  • av: Glenna V
  • mottagare: Residents of Stormont Dundas and Glengarry Counties
Cornwall SD&G Paramedics are on strike. They are the lowest paid paramedics in the province. They are being asked to cut the number of sick days they already have. They have the lowest in lieu benefits as well as shift differentials. Ambulances are not considered essential therefore they cannot go to arbitration although Police and Fire can. Therefore, the strike. There are only 3 ambulances on days and 2 at night for all of SD&G. All our paramedics want is to be respected and compensated the same as the rest of their colleagues are. Do you feel safe!
There is no evidence of negotiations. What can our paramedics do? Strike, and hope to attain fair negotiations. They need you to help to get Cornwall back to the bargaining table. 0ur paramedics are only asking for wage and benefit parody with the rest of the province. Please sign the petition, share through social media and with friends and neighbors. All residences and visitors to SD&G are at risk, should you need an ambulance. Our paramedics have always been there for you, please show your support by signing the petition. Thank you!
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