Ask EU countries to Ditch the "Tampon Tax"!

A few months ago, Brussels finally agreed to give European Union (EU) Member States more freedom to to reduce or even eliminate Value-Added Tax (VAT) rates for certain hygiene products. This measure allows countries in Europe to implement one of the measures most demanded by women all over the continent: scrapping the VAT rates applied to tampons.

Why is this so important? Taxing tampons implies that these products are "luxury items" – as though they're a treat or day at the spa. Politicians seem to think that women in the EU are choosing to have periods, and tampons are just a way to pamper themselves. This notion is patently ridiculous and reflects an outdated and sexist attitude that ignores the realities of women's daily lives. Instead, tampons are a necessary good for a huge percentage of the population. These items shouldn't be taxed as though they're optional, nonessential items.

There are many other EU countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece that are continuing to apply a high VAT to this basic product. Now that the EU framework allows it, it's time to take advantage of the opportunity to stop taxing these essential products.

Sign this petition now and ask the governments of the EU Member States to end luxury VAT taxes on tampons. It's a basic need that every woman should be able to cover.

Please, apply now super reduced VAT taxes on tampons.

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