Demand a Small Fee on Plastic Bags

  • av: Jhael Payne
  • mottagare: Mayor Bill de Blasio, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and Staten Island Borough President James S. Oddo

The issue with plastic bags is a huge one because when people go shopping for products, they are not taking into account how many plastic bags they use and how those plastic bags are being disposed. Every year 5 trillion plastic bags are being produced and on average people only use these bags once for an average of 20 minutes before it is tossed away or recycled, about 98% of plastic bags are being discarded. The discarded plastic bags ends up in our landfills and oceans, taking about 1,000 years to disintegrate, while this is taking place, this process is releasing toxins in the air, damaging our environment, killing millions of seabirds and thousands of other animals, like whales, turtles and dolphins. It is estimated that because of these plastic bags 100,000 turtles and other sea animals are dying of starvation each year after ingesting discarded plastic bags, which block their digestive tracks. These toxins are not only hurting sea animals, but are also damaging the environment for future generations. So some type of action to avoid the use plastic bags has to be done now.

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