A Bill That Could Change the Fate of Our Plastic-Choked Oceans is Stalled in Hawaii's Senate

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Hawaii Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment Chair Mike Gabbard & Senate Committee on Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism Chair Lynn DeCoite
House Bill 85, proposed by Hawaii State Representative Nicole Lowen, would be a game-changer for sustainability in the Aloha State. The bill would ban the wasteful, small plastic bottles that are found in hotels across the state.

Given how riddled our oceans and landfills are with plastic, this would be an amazing victory for the planet and the billions of animals that call it home.

Unfortunately, the bill has been deferred, wasting away in Senate committees for months while our oceans fill up with plastic waste. Let's urge those committees' chairs to get this bill moving once again!

Sign now to tell Hawaii Senate Committee chairs Mike Gabbard and Lynn DeCoite to take action on plastic waste!

Tourism is a huge part of the Hawaiian economy, and it is time the giant hotels that make millions of dollars per year start making simple changes that could have a huge impact. As an alternative, items like shampoo and conditioner could easily be provided in bulk or held in non-plastic packaging, completely negating the need for millions and millions of tiny plastic bottles that get thrown away every year.

But we can't rely on these businesses to do it themselves. We must support House Bill 85 and require hotels to eliminate their small plastic bottles! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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