Staff a Vet at Texas State Run Animal Shelters

It has happened to me more times than I care to admit. I go down to a state run animal shelter on free adoption day and get caught in the gaze of my soon to be best buddy. Unfortunately however most of these animals have to be re-homed in less than 3 months because the cost of treating pre-existing conditions is too high for a lot of people to handle. Everyone knows that animals are an expensive investment but our Texas state run animal shelters would be less full if they staffed a certified vet to care for the animals medically if need be. A story that hits close to home is that of "Chance." This little cutie was picked up by animal control and delivered to Williamson County Animal Shelter after he was hit by a car. The Vet claimed that he was healthy but also said that they do not keep a vet on staff. The couple that adopted Chance unfortunately couldn't keep him for more than a month due to the severity of his internal and mental issues. They did however find him a good home and are working on paying off there debt to the vet.

It is absolutely unacceptable that State Run animal shelters do not require a certified Veterinary Doctor on all sites. For the sake of the Animals and the Families that they will soon be a part of I am seeking 10,000 signatures so that we can make a push towards requiring a vet on staff at all State Run animal shelters in the future! If you have any way that can help me achieve this goal, such as budgeting expertise and political expertise I would love your help in achieving this goal.


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