It was August 22, 2015 and Sunshine was found, dead, having hung herself on her family's gate, running for her life. They had left her for a few hours that evening. IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED.
Explosives and fireworks still going off in Santa Clarita, California, in August. THEY ARE ILLEGAL IN SANTA CLARITA...ON JULY 4TH OR OTHERWISE. And now a beloved pet has lost her life. My niece’s 130-pound mastiff was found hanging from their garden gate ... a horrible image that I will never forget. Why? Bottle rockets going off, AGAIN, in their neighborhood for over an hour (as told by a neighbor). She was running for her life. Her family gone for a few hours to a birthday party only to come home to that horrific sight. They now had to explain to two little girls that their best friend was gone. The whole family is devastated. Sunshine was 2 years old. IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED.
This constant use of fireworks and explosives in a city where they are illegal is unacceptable. Those of us with animals know only too well the repercussions that explosives and fireworks cause. We hold our pets, as they tremble in our arms, at night when these explosives go off all around us. It has become an acceptable practice. We are letting these inebriated, thoughtless people control our lives, and even with police involvement, they are not fined and receive a slap on the hand. Until your own animal runs away or in this case, dies, no one will take that step to show they will fight for this injustice. I'm taking a stand. If you don’t care about the life of an animal, then consider that we live in a tinder-box... there is a drought... and any of these explosives could send our homes and our community up in flames. It’s not a silent crime.
Illegal fireworks are a fire hazard, safety hazard and are a public nuisance causing fires, injury, property damage and death. It is reprehensible that law enforcement is not patrolling the neighborhoods known to have illegal firework activity. They have notice of the problem and it is foreseeable that without intervention, there will be fire, injury, property damage and death - it is only a matter of scale. They are on notice of this problem and if they fail to take steps to enforce the laws, then there is a complete disregard for public safety in Santa Clarita. Demand accountability! Punish these offenders to the extent of the law. No child should lose a pet in this manner. I am fighting for Sunshine. Who will you fight for? Please stand with me and sign this petition. Let's show the city that we aren't going to take this anymore.
**Someone indicated in their comments that Sunshine was chained. THAT IS NOT TRUE! She was in the backyard for a few hours.
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Thank you for everyone who cared enough to sign this petition. I am sending my letter to the council members, mayor and sheriff's department demanding they prosecute these offenders of the ILLEGAL FIREWORKS LAW and not close their eyes to the problem. I may not solve the problem but at least I can shake the tree!
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
We are putting together a powerful letter, along with our petition, to send to the Mayor of Santa Clarita, each Council Member and the Commander of the Santa Clarita Sheriff's Department. After laying that groundwork, we will be the schedule to present this problem to the City Council Meeting and those who run our city. The solution is to uphold the law and enforce the consequences.