Demand an End to Nursery Pod Dolphin and Whale Drives in Taiji and the Rest of Japan

  • av: Dawn Younce
  • mottagare: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Mayor Kazutaka Sangen, of Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture and the head of the fisheries union

On September 3, 2017, Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project documented dolphin drive fishery workers driving in a NURSERY pod of approximately 34 pilot whales into the infamous Cove of Taiji, Japan. Just look at all of the tiny heads in that photo! They've been held overnight. Their fate will be determined shortly. When it comes to pilot whales, in the past they normally kill the adults and then drive the juveniles and babies back into the ocean. The issue with this is the fact the babies will die without their mothers. This is INHUMANE AND BARBARIC. The entire captive dolphin drive industry needs to be shut down completely. That will take a while but what I have decided is that right now, in this moment, I am targeting this particular type of hunt. Whenever the hunters go out to find a pod; if the pod is a nursery pod, it SHOULD NOT BE TARGETED FOR CAPTIVITY OR MURDER. Nursery pods of any type of dolphin or whale should be left alone. It's bad enough, these poor mothers and babies are driven into the Cove in this manner with loud banger boats and men screaming at them. But forcing the babies back into the open ocean without their mothers to face certain death is INHUMANE and should be against the law! No excuses. I'm asking all of my Japanese activist friends to please stand with me, with all of us and help stop this insanity now. The activists in Japan are the ones that can make this change happen faster. Let's do this. Let's stop the nursery pod drives and then hopefully, in time, the captive drive fishery industry will end. I am targeting PM Shinzo Abe and Mayor Kazutaka Sangen of Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture with this petition.

Uppdatera #56 år sedan
We are getting so close to 10K signatures. Please continue to share everywhere. Thank you.
Uppdatera #47 år sedan
We still need more signatures people. As you know, a few days ago they drive in another pod into the Cove that had alot of baby and juvenile melon heads. Let's hit 10K signatures and see if we can get some new laws in place. Thank you!
Uppdatera #37 år sedan
As you know, they captured another pod of pilot whales today (9/26/17) with juveniles. Please help me promote and spread my petition. With your help, the petition is already up to 5800 signatures. But I want us to hit 10,000 if possible by my birthday, November 3rd. Let's do this! Once we get the 10,000 signatures, I'll forward this to the people who have the power to change Japanese laws.
Uppdatera #27 år sedan
I'm blown away that in just a few short days, we've already gotten over 5000 signatures. The goal is 10,000. Please keep sharing! Thank you so much!
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
I am blown away by the response. I started this petition less than 24 hours ago and we're already over 2000 signers! The goal is 10,000. Once it hits the goal, I'll be getting with a few people to find out the best way to present this to the officials. Special thanks to Chris Usami for helping me navigate thru how to deliver a successful petition! This is my first one. Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared and please, keep sharing! For the oceans! For the dolphins and whales.
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