Tell Fendi to Stop Using Rabbit Fur

Fendi is an Italian designer of fashionable, luxury merchandise- including rabbit fur.

Millions of rabbits are killed for their fur every single year. Most of the fur on boots or the collars of  jackets comes from fur farms, where rabbits are kept in tiny, filthy cages for years. They spend their entire miserable lives standing on cage floors made of thin wires, never having a chance to jump, dig, or play. Fur farmers kill the animals in horrible ways—some are killed by having their necks broken or their skulls beaten in, and others are killed by anal or vaginal electrocution.

Tell Fendi to stop supporting this hideous fur trade where millions of rabbits are kept as breeding machines and killed worldwide for their fur.


Fendi North America, Inc
Carla Fendi- President
Pietro Beccari- Chairman & CEO
677 5th Avenue
Basement 1
New York, NY 10022-4210
Phone: (212) 920-8100

Fendi is an Italian designer of fashionable, luxury merchandise- including rabbit fur.

Millions of rabbits are killed for their fur every single year. Most of the fur on boots or the collars of  jackets comes from fur farms, where rabbits are kept in tiny, filthy cages for years. They spend their entire miserable lives standing on cage floors made of thin wires, never having a chance to jump, dig, or play. Fur farmers kill the animals in horrible ways—some are killed by having their necks broken or their skulls beaten in, and others are killed by anal or vaginal electrocution.

Tell Fendi to stop supporting this hideous fur trade where millions of rabbits are kept as breeding machines and killed worldwide for their fur.

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