Stop the senseless killing of wild life by the Texas Wildlife Rescue in Houston,Tx.

I raised a baby raccoon from 2 days old till it was 13 weeks old. I was in close contact with this center up untill the day I brought him in under the assumption they would release him into the wild. Instead, they murdered him. their reason was that I brought him in to be put down. This beautiful little guy touched the lives of many people during his fight for life over 13 weeks. He and I took up the whole front page of the Pt. Lavaca Wave.  (Volume 122, No. 78) July 10, 2013.

Texas Parks and Wildlife knew I was raising him to be released under their care, the police said he was their city mascott, the firefighters would visit him, 2 police cheifs checked on him regularly, one judge, and thousands of others were cheering his fight to live a normal raccoon life.

This "rescue" center needs to investigated. How many animals have they needlessly put to sleep? I grew to love that little guy as if he were human. I have not quit crying since he was murdered on July 25th 2013. His name was FRACK. And Ill never forget how he touched my heart. I love you Frack.

PLEASE dont let his death be for nothing. Help me stop this senseless killing of our Texas wildlife.

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