Shut down Facebook page of the artist Iris Schieferstein !

The artist Iris Schieferstein is a German artist that works with dead Animals as raw material, cutting and pasting in a Frankenstein- like manner to create  sick and cruel art. 
The German government once tried to put her in jail for her disgusting art.
Her shoes are made for example from intact hoof and horse bone as heel.
Please help to shut down this Facebook page , so Iris Schieferstein can not longer promote the killing of wild Animals.


To Facebook Admin,

If you want to keep your good reputation, don't allow pages like this one that promotes cruelty to animals by creating cruel art.

Please can you remove this page, and ban other pages that come up with similar ideals.

Ideally, in your report option, leave an option open where we can type in the reason that we're reporting a page like this.

Please don't turn a blind eye on this. Please take the time to view the signatures and do the right thing.


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