Protect Toronto Area Coyotes

  • av: Nicole Corrado
  • mottagare: City of Toronto, City of Whitby, Toronto Police, Toronto Animal Services, Toronto Public Health

Recently, dogs have been bitten in Princess Margaret Park, and nearby parks.  One person was accidentally injured as well.  The coyotes are a family who have lived in the area for years.  They were minding their own business, until people started feeding them, and dogs bothered them.

We would like the city to leave the coyotes alone.

On November 22, 2021, Toronto Police shot a female coyote, who was then tested for rabies using the old fashioned dissection test (there are humane tests but these are only used in humans).  The rabies test is barbaric, and not legally or medically necessary.  The current intramuscular vaccines are safe, and often used without testing the animal.  We would like Toronto Public Health to vaccinate people and animals who are bitten, instead of having wild animals who bite killed for rabies testing.

She was likely being fed by people, and she bit two people in Bayview Villiage Park in Toronto. According to animal rights groups, the coyote seemed healthy, and was not aggressive.  The human injuries where minor.  (Dogs in Toronto who cause minor bites are handled in a non lethal way).

We would like the city to work with and to educate the public and train animals to avoid people.  If this is not possible, we would like animals to be relocated with a permit.

Earlier the same year, a nuisance coyote in a Toronto cemetery was darted and relocated to a legitimate captive sanctuary (Aspen Valley Wildlife Centre).  He was later released when he became wild again.  

We would like to see Toronto maintain a 100% non lethal approach to human coyote conflicts.  Toronto's wildlife feeding ban has been expanded to the entire city, which helps prevent conflicts. (Previously, the feeding ban only applied to City property.).

Killing coyotes never works, as seen in this other petition regarding Vancouver's Stanley Park's lethal approach to fed coyotes biting people.'s-coyotes/

Uppdatera #52 år sedan
Toronto will have a city wide feeding ban as of April 1, 2023!
Uppdatera #42 år sedan
Toronto is developing a city wide feeding ban! Email before July 6, and before July 19.
Uppdatera #32 år sedan
Toronto is developing a city wide feeding ban! Email and before the June 15 city council meeting.
Uppdatera #23 år sedan
Today, Toronto Police shot a female coyote after minor bite incidents. .Please email and and ask that they no longer kill coyotes as a response to coyotes biting people.
Uppdatera #13 år sedan
Partial VICTORY! The Toronto coyote has been rescued and brought to a permanent captive wildlife sanctuary. While we would have preferred he be able to stay in the wild, at least he is safe. (There is no update on the Oshawa coyotes).
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