Tanzania- Don't Sell the Serengeti to Safari Hunters

Tanzanian President Kikwete is on the verge of signing a deal with a big game corporation, (Ortello Business Corporation), that has special interests in rich Middle Eastern hunters who wish to kill lions and leopards. They want a new hunting block as they have killed most of the wildlife on their old one.

This deal would displace 48,000 members of Africa's Maasai tribe- and this same corporation has pushed the trible off their land before in favor of wealthy hunters. Following a public outcry, President Kikwete returned the land to the Maasai. We ask the President to STOP the deal to sell the Serengeti to big game hunters.

SOURCE: http://www.wildlifeextra.com/go/news/loliondo.html

The Chief Secretary
President H.E Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete
President's Office
Magogoni Road
P.O. Box 9120,
Dar es Salaam
Telephone: +255 22 2116679 
Fax: +255 22 2113425

Permanent Secretary
Vice President H.E Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal
Vice-President's Office,
P.O Box 5380,
Dar es Salaam
Tel:  +255 22 2113857
Fax: +255 22 2113856
e-mail: makamu@twiga.com 

Tanzanian President Kikwete is on the verge of signing a deal with a big game corporation, (Ortello Business Corporation), that has special interests in rich Middle Eastern hunters who wish to kill lions and leopards. They want a new hunting block as they have killed most of the wildlife on their old one.

This deal would displace 48,000 members of Africa's Maasai tribe- and this same corporation has pushed the trible off their land before in favor of wealthy hunters. Following a public outcry, President Kikwete returned the land to the Maasai. We ask the President to STOP the deal to sell the Serengeti to big game hunters.

SOURCE: http://www.wildlifeextra.com/go/news/loliondo.html

The Chief Secretary
President H.E Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete
President's Office
Magogoni Road
P.O. Box 9120,
Dar es Salaam
Telephone: +255 22 2116679 
Fax: +255 22 2113425

Permanent Secretary
Vice President H.E Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal
Vice-President's Office,
P.O Box 5380,
Dar es Salaam
Tel:  +255 22 2113857
Fax: +255 22 2113856
e-mail: makamu@twiga.com 

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