Legalize Leashed Dogs at Lake Charles Public Parks

Attn: Lake Charles City Council Members

Pet owners are prohibited from bringing their leashed dogs for walks at public parks, including the Civic Center grounds and boardwalk. This not only affects the residents of Lake Charles, but the tourists who travel with their animals.

It is often inconvenient and dangerous to walk leashed dogs on the sidewalks of Lake Charles due to the excessive amount of garbage cans left on sidewalks, sidewalk conditions, and traffic.

There are no city parks available for people to walk their dogs. Prien Lake Park, operated by the police jury, is the only park in the parish that allows leashed dogs (under rules and regulations) to be walked.

We acknowledge there are designated dog parks, but these do not serve the same purpose. Walking dogs provides exercise for not only the dogs, but their owners. This is especially beneficial for seniors.

We are asking the city council to adopt an ordinance to allow leashed dogs on city park grounds including the Civic Center and boardwalk, under the same restrictions and conditions that govern Prien Lake Park.

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