Montreal: Repeal Your Draconian Pit Bull Ban!

Montreal just passed a new by-law that bans pit bulls and other so-called "dangerous breeds" breeds in the city.

This is so unfair! I have a pitbull mix and he has never hurt anyone. A dog is not dangerous just because of its breed, dogs become dangerous because of their owners.

I was thinking of buying a house and moving to Montreal with my boyfriend, but the new law is going to make this nearly impossible. Montreal is forcing people and innocent animals out of the city because of a law based on fear, not fact.

By March 31, 2017, all existing pit bull type dogs in the city must be sterilized and be kept on a very short leash and muzzled in public. Pitbull owners must undergo a criminal background check and pay a $150 fee.

This is a total infringement on individual rights. It will hit low-income dog owners the hardest, and will result in pit bulls and dogs that look like them filling up shelters or being euthanized.

Montreal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is suing the city to reverse the ban. Let's help them out by getting as many signatures as possible telling Montreal to REPEAL this draconian pit bull ban!
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
The pit bull ban has been TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED while the judge hears a court challenge from the Montreal SPCA. The judge will make a final decision on Oct. 5 regarding whether the law can stand! Please SIGN AND SHARE ON FACEBOOK to ensure City Council hears us loud and clear in the event the judge rules the law will remain in effect:
Signera petitionen
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