Take down Facebook page: Real Women Wear Fur

This page is pure discrimination. It discriminates against women, men, vegans and put simply, humans.
"Real Women Wear Fur?" The title alone suggests that vegan women or any women for that matter that do not wear fur, should be thought lesser of. That they are not "real" women. Other rhetoric includes that vegan men are oppressive towards "real" women, taking part in gender based abuse by being against fur. They make claims such as being vegan, is equivalent to being in a cult. That all vegans are animal activists, which makes them terrorists and that they should therefore be put on a terrorist watch list. More lies include that ALL vegans are violent and that all vegans threaten human lives on a daily basis.
This page offers no insight. Instead it offers nothing but hate, discrimination and the spreading of lies and fear.
This page is not free speech or freedom of expression or belief. It is pure oppressive, hateful and violent propaganda and needs to be taken down immediately.
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