Investigate and file charges in death of tethered dog

This dog died at the end of a tether. The decomposing body, still collared and tethered when photo was taken, documents that the remains have been neglected for weeks and not buried.

City police in Tahlequah, Oklahoma were contacted on or about August 6, 2017 to investigate the possible neglect of this dog in the back yard of a home whose name was given to police. Oklahoma state law requires food, water, shelter, and veterinary care to prevent suffering – and failure to provide is a felony violation of state law 1685.

The case was also reported to animal welfare nonprofit organizations and volunteers. Reports to Oklahoma Alliance for Animals (OAA) state that the owner had the dog since it was a pup and that the dog may have died of starvation. If true, this is a felony violation of Oklahoma state law against animal neglect and cruelty. Unfortunately, the body is too decomposed for a necropsy to document cause of death but evidence from the possible crime scene should provide sufficient evidence of neglect.

An OAA volunteer contacted Police Chief Nate King by email and followed up with a phone call asking for an investigation and possible charges to be filed. No response by the chief or police department has been received by OAA.

We respectfully request that the Tahlequah Oklahoma Police Department fully investigate this alleged cruelty and neglect case including collecting any existing veterinary records from the alleged owner, and file a report with the District Attorney’s office. We respectfully request that Cherokee County District Attorney Brian Kuester file felony animal cruelty and neglect charges in accordance with state law. The Oklahoma Alliance for Animals supports the law enforcement community and court prosecution of animal neglect and cruelty cases. DA Kuester’s office recently successfully prosecuted an animal cruelty case where a dog’s remains were found chained on his owner’s property.

Uppdatera #37 år sedan
The District Attorney has filed against the owner of the deceased dog. Thank you so much to everyone who signed the petition calling for an investigation and requesting charges #NoExcuseForAnimalAbuse! We will update this petition again when the court case is determined.
Uppdatera #27 år sedan
On September 8, 2017, Tahlequah Police Department submitted their report to the Cherokee County District Attorney's office. To date, TPD has not made an arrest or recommended charges in the case. OAA strongly encourages the Cherokee County DA's office to file charges in this case.
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
On Tuesday, August 22, 2017, within 48 hours of this petition being launched, the Tahlequah Oklahoma Police Chief contacted OAA and assigned his Captain of Detectives to investigate this case. We greatly appreciate the Tahlequah Oklahoma Police Department and their commitment to enforcing state laws against animal cruelty. We will keep this petition open until charges are filed. Thank you for standing against cruelty!
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