Attendees Demand entrance into Kelso High School football games

I have had it! Just found out NO FANS allowed at football games this year for Kelso High School in Washington state.
Our district is more worried about money from the government and not the mental health-or well being of our children!!

These are The Days of Our (our kids) Lives and they have us in submission. We are enabling the district to dictate  and prevent our students  support system from being allowed to encourage and help grow their mental health!!

If it's healthy for the Super Bowl, it's perfectly ok to open our stadium to support our youth; even at a limited capacity in the stands (not field). If we can sit in a restaurant indoors ,there is no reason we can't sit outside, in the fresh air, to observe the students participating in activities.It's important to remember our future lies in them. We need to protect their mental health. We need to be there for them! 

As a RN in the community who works with Covid patients daily,discussing care plans with community doctors, I can say we can gather safely, while supporting Kelso High School sports!

 I implore the community of Kelso to support our students. Ask the district to reconsider.

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