"Demand the End of Pueblo Animal Services tyranny"

  • av: colleen c
  • mottagare: People who care about animal rights

We the citizens of Pueblo Colorado are calling for the immediate resignation of Julie Justman respectively the shelter director of Pueblo Animal Services. Since the hiring of Julie Justman, extreme changes and shelter policies have been put in place. These policies and procedures have negatively affected the lives of Pueblo Colorados' dogs and cats which were under the care of Pueblo Animal Services. The number of animals "euthanized" at Pueblo Animal Serices is at a statewide high statistically.

Furthermore; We the citizens of Pueblo Colorado are calling for the immediate termination of the City and County of Pueblo Colorado's contractual agreement with the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region. We are doing so in accordance to the contractual agreement in section 9.2., in which there has been a breach of contract in regards to the Humane Society of Pikes Peak Region failure to meet performance standards. The lack of due diligence and community obligation is evident in the PACFA number reporting system. Additionally, the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region has fail to adequately resolve the conflict with the citizens of the City and County of Pueblo Colorado ie.,evident in Pueblo Animal Services failure to network with local and statewide animal rescues as agreed upon during meditation.   

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