Petition to lower R.P.V. Mira Verde HOA Fees

This year, the HOA fee has increased from $555 to $595. We, the members of Miraverde HOA, find this fee increase to be excessive and difficult to justify. We sign this petition in support to lower our monthly association dues.

LINK to our detailed petition:

WHY we are concerned:
- The increased HOA fee is inconsistent with inflation and income growth rates, especially for the retired.
- The HOA fee and growth rate is significantly high compared to neighboring RPV communities such as Hilltop, Terraces, and Ridgegate.
- In the past 5 years, increasing HOA fees has correlation to decreasing property value.
- Higher HOA = increased rent to offset costs = higher vacancy rate
- The budget report shows surplus from increased budget. Expenses are not justified and should be reassessed.
- Covid-19 makes it a difficult time for many and it is not the time for increasing dues.

WHAT we are asking for:
1. Please re-evaluate the budget and seek ways to reduce expenses.
2. Lower the HOA fee to a reasonable amount that is competitive with neighboring communities.
3. In the future, please re-evaluate the budget before increasing HOA and increase transparency for board decision making

We the people respectfully submit our signatures as we agree that the HOA dues are excessive and we petition against them in request that the fees are lowered.

Uppdatera #33 år sedan
Hi everyone! Quick update + reminder

1. HOA board meeting is 2/8 Monday 6:00PM via zoom
2. Please EMAIL me at with your NAME so that I can forward you the petition details and the zoom instructions on how to join the call!


- Matt
Uppdatera #23 år sedan
Hello Mira Verde Neighbors!

This is Matt with an update regarding the petition. Foremost, THANK YOU! We've collected 100+ signatures (physical+online)

Two things:
1. Reminder to VOTE for election and ATTEND the 2/8 meeting. Al (HOA president) will give a presentation on the budget report.
2. Please EMAIL me at with your NAME. This online petition does not show me your emails. We need your email for FAST communication and UPDATING you on next steps!

Uppdatera #13 år sedan
Hello Mira Verde Neighbors!

This is Matt with an update regarding the petition. Foremost, THANK YOU! We've collected 100+ signatures (physical+online)

Two things:
1. Reminder to VOTE for election and ATTEND the 2/8 meeting. Al (HOA president) will give a presentation on the budget report.
2. Please EMAIL me at with your NAME. This online petition does not show me your emails. We need your email for FAST communication and UPDATING you on next steps!


Signera petitionen
Signera petitionen
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