This heartbreaking documentary needs to be aired so that people are made aware of the devastating impact of palm oil, it's affects on the future of not only wildlife such as Orangutans but also on the deforestation of the rainforests. Blackfish has been shown at least twice now on the BBC it is now time to show this thought provoking documentary which currently has over 141,000 views on youtube.
Unfortunately it is becoming apparent that many products are using Palm Oil, these greedy corporations such as Kelloggs, Unilever and Kraft seriously need to change their ways especially as they promote as being ethical which is a farce, we do not need palm oil it is an unnecessary ingredient and it is becoming increasingly harder to source products that do not use it, we need to give people that choice. Sustainable RSPO is a myth as only last year an Orangutan that so called trespassed (bearing in mind we are the trepassers) on a RSPO plantation was killed, skinned and eaten just sickening!
It's not just palm oil we need to stop using wood to make vast quantities of cheap wooden furniture etc this cannot be sustained, in the long run we are becoming more reliant on cheap disposable goods that we easily chuck away we need to make people aware that this also needs to stop. It has also been recently confirmed scientifically that palm oil is cancer causing and causes obesity.
The way this film has been made doesn't need narration only music, the poor Orangutan depicted just gave up she lost her child and didn't want to live, what you see says it all the BBC need to get this aired as soon as possible. We all have choices and people need to be made aware of the implications of producing palm oil and the fact this will become an irreversible travesty.
Only recently more Orangutans have been murdered being burnt alive with fires being set deliberately this MUST STOP
To Tony Hall (Director General of the BBC)
You kindly broadcast the moving documentary Blackfish at least twice I am asking if you could also please show Green the Movie made by this film is approx 45 mins long and details the plight and the impacts of deforestation in particular as the name of the film suggests an Orangutan named 'Green' that was rescued but as shown did not make it.
This needs to be shown to a much wider audience to emphasize on the devestating impacts of deforestation in particular the use of palm oil which is an unnecessary ingredient used in many everyday products. The future of Orangutans is in doubt and we need to get this stopped before it is too late.
If this could be shown perhaps on either channels BBC2 or BBC4 say between the hours of 7 - 9pm to hopefully reach a larger audience it would be greatly appreciated.
Kindest regards in anticipation,
Miss A M J Bench
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