Demand a justice for Fat Tiger, a dog had beaten to death!

The incident involving a couple, who are alleged to be from Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), after they had abused and killed a malamute.
According to reports, the couple, identified as Lee and To, adopted the malamute named "Fat Tiger" on May 14 of this year. Fat Tiger, who had a challenging past and had previously been abandoned, was also rejected by a prior adopter due to his high energy levels.
Despite their history as volunteers at animal institutions in Shenzhen, where they were perceived as suitable adopters, the couple reportedly subjected Fat Tiger to repeated abuse. Lee shockingly stated that the dog only responded to her boyfriend, To, who resorted to violence, rationalizing that "it's just a dog and treating it too well will make it think it's the owner."
On the morning of September 4, at around 7 am, volunteers were alerted by Lee that To, while punishing the dog, had beaten it to death. Upon arriving at the couple's apartment, the volunteers discovered Fat Tiger lying on the ground with multiple wounds and bleeding from the mouth. The dog's cage was also found discarded.
Volunteers learned that the trigger for this brutal act was Fat Tiger's excitement about going outside, which led him to accidentally urinate at the door. To perceived this as a taunt, subsequently forcing Fat Tiger into the cage and beating him to death with a vacuum cleaner.
A forensic autopsy initially determined that Fat Tiger's cause of death was strangulation. Remarkably, the couple showed no remorse for their actions.
The incident has sparked widespread outrage on social media platforms in mainland China. Investigations revealed that To, who was involved in the abuse, is suspected of holding a master's degree in biomedical engineering from CUHK and currently serves as an assistant to a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Lee is suspected to be a doctoral student under the same professor.

Until now, CUHK's still has no response and no action regarding this incident. Fat Tiger deserve a justice.

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