Keep Tyra Serval Freed with her family in Morganton, NC.

  • av: Tyra Freed
  • mottagare: The city of Morganton, North Carolina
  • We have had Tyra since she was a baby.
  • Servals don't re-home well (and we DO NOT want to get rid of her)
  • Servals don't re-bond - so are relegated to a zoo or a love-less adoption
  • We moved to NC in part becuase of the state's acceptance of servals!

Tyra has been our baby for almost six years. We have had her since she was 12 weeks old. She has known no other family, servals are almost impossible to re-home becuase they don't bond again. She has been loved and cared for, is up to date on all vaccinations, and poses no threat to the public. In fact, upon a recent (her only) escape, the citizens of Morganton were overwhelmingly supportive, friendly, and helpful in bringing her home. Upon discovering she was missing, I immediately notified Public Safety, Animal Control, the Humane Society, and the news. We were open and honest as to what she was and that she was no danger to pets or people. This is her home. The press and news stations helped reunite us. It is unthinkable that we would be separated again.

One of our reasons for moving to North Carolina was the state’s positive stance on the ownership of servals. We checked all the resources we could find as to the legality of bringing her with us. Burke County’s law read that dangerous exotic animals were not allowed. We thought that Officers Bradshaw and Smith’s visit proved that Tyra was a calm and well behaved – NOT dangerous and no threat.

We intend to petition the City of Morganton to allow her to stay. We love it here and she does too. Our outing at Catawba Brewing, TD Bank, and the reactions of the people of Morganton have been overwhelmingly positive. She has received over 400 Facebook friend requests just in the short time she’s been here. I’m aware that her popularity does not equate to de facto legality.

We did not intend to break any laws and understand Public Safety is just doing what it is tasked with doing. That said, we will use all resources at our disposal to keep her including a petition to amend the law as written, retain an attorney if necessary, and engage the same media that was so helpful in reuniting us – to sway public opinion in favor of her remaining with us.

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
If you know about my breed, have met me in person, or want me to stay in Morganton with my can sign up to speak on my behalf by calling Kelly at 828-438-5228. Meeting changed to 5:30pm (public part of the session) Monday Sept. 14th. See the address and info for City Council meeting at:
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
WCNC ch. 36, WBTV ch. 3, WSOC ch. 9 AND Mayor Cohen were just at the house. Thank you again for helping spread the word about our unfortunate situation. We hope this turns into "good news" soon. The Mayor said they may have it on the docket for discussion this coming Monday or the 1st Monday in October. Tyra will be happy to appear and plead her case and if it's open to the public and/or comes to an open vote...please lend your support !
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