The Wolf Among Us Season 2

We all played The Wolf Among Us Season 1, but it's such a good story that it needs a to have a Season 2, the ending of Season 1 is a cliffhanger, and a big one, that's why we need a Season 2, telltale...

Let's have Telltale Games knowing about this!

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We all played The Wolf Among Us Season 1, but it's such a good story that it needs to have a Season 2, the ending of Season 1 is a cliffhanger, and a big one, that's why we need a Season 2, telltale...

Maybe we can reach our goal!

The goal will get bigger if we get enough people!

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Uppdatera #17 år sedan
Good news! This petition isn't required anymore, because telltale officially announced a season 2 coming next year! Thete isn't a specific trailer for it yet, but it is conformed! Here are some telltale announcements including TWAU S2:
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