Demand an Alternative to Culling Australian Wild Horses!

  • av: Alyssa L
  • mottagare: New South Wales Government

The government of New South Wales has announced a Wild Horse Management Plan draft plan to reduce the number of brumbies, Australian wild horses, in Kosciusko National Park from 6,000 to 600 in the next twenty years. While they have rejected aerial shooting as a possibility for population control, ground shooting is still an acceptable option in this draft. Please urge Australian lawmakers to reject this cruel killing of horses!

The brumby population living in the park has allegedly been damaging the fragile and complex ecosystem, so it's clear that the population must be controlled, HUMANELY. They were originally introduced in World Wars I and II as part of the Light Horse brigade, giving them an important role in the heritage of Kosciusko National Park and Australia.

Other approved methods for carrying out the population control are trapping, mustering, and fertility control. Please make sure these beautiful horses have a chance at living a full life! Community involvement, as has been done in the past, will help the horses and even save taxpayers money.

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