End Dog Breed Bans in Kentucky

There are currently 26 counties in the state of Kentucky that ban certain breeds of dogs. Many of these dogs breeds that are banned are simply titled, "Pit Bulls". Pit Bull is much too broad a category. According to http://animalrescuecorps.org/, "Currently, the dog most often subject to bans is known as the pit bull. Technically, “pit bull” is not a breed but rather a generic term categorizing a strong and athletic class of terriers that most popularly includes the American Staffordshire Terrier and the American Pit Bull Terrier." When it comes to Animal Shelters, many dogs are categorized incorrectly, and many family pets are taken away for no valid reasons.This petition is to set the record straight for those that put BSL into place, and also to come together and educate people whose conceptions of these animals has been clouded.

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
We have reached over 350 signatures in such a short amount of time. That is truly amazing, and extremely humbling. My goal is to save the innocent animals who are hurt in the long run because of these laws. Also, to help the families who want to keep there loyal family pet without fear of having them taken away. Please help by sharing this to get the word out. I hope to eventually be able to provide this as proof of how many people are against this absurd laws.
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