Stop the Illegal Killing of Endangered California Condors

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Another endangered California condor was found shot and killed in Utah. The death of these majestic birds undermines decades of conservation efforts. We must demand accountability and protect these iconic symbols of the American wilderness from further harm before it's too late.

Sign this petition to urge the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources to find the perpetrators and permanently revoke their hunting licenses!

Tragically, this is not the first illegal killing of a California condor in Utah. These shootings not only violate federal protections, but also erase vital progress made through painstaking recovery efforts, including captive breeding and reintroduction programs.

California condors are more than just birds; they are irreplaceable components of our ecological heritage. Each loss is a substantial blow to their population recovery, made more serious by recent challenges like habitat degradation and the bird flu.

The survival of the California condor hangs in the balance. Every individual matters in the fight against extinction. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources must uphold the law and ensure that conservation regulations are enforced rigorously.

Sign the petition to help revoke hunting licenses for those guilty of killing endangered California condors and help preserve our wildlife for future generations!

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