Animals are NOT objects

In the Netherlands animals are described as object in the law. Therefore every animal-abuser is seen as a person who was destroying property and not an animal who can feel pain. Because of this law the abusers never get more then a fine or civil duty (like picking up trash). Because of the low punishments, animals are still treated very bad!

Help me get higher punishments by making animals their own subject in the law and not an object. Animals do feel!

Help me by signing this petition, to show that not only the people in the Netherlands care, but people over the entire world do too!

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Hello everyone,

We already have over a 1000 signers. This is truly amazing. Thank you!
Unfortunately we are not there yet. The dutch government is only taking petitions under consideration when there are 40000 signers. So please continue to share and help our animals.

Thank you!
Signera petitionen
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