Support Sending Nathan to Preschool School for the Blind!

  • av: Beth Koenig
  • mottagare: The Irvine Unified School District in Orange County, California, USA

   Nathan is a four year old boy. He was born blind and has had 15 operations. Experts say that he needs to be transferred to the Blind Children’s Learning Center, but the Irvine Unified School District has refused.

   Nathan has been waiting 1 ½ years, and in 5 months he’ll be too old to attend.

   If you want to help, please sign the petition, and once we get enough support, we’ll take it to the school board.

Updates at: 


Support Sending Nathan to the Preschool School for the Blind!


   Nathan is a blind four year old. We are working with Nathan''s family to help make sure that he receives the training that he needs to succeed in school and grow up to be a competent adult. Nathan has every hope of being able to be mainstreamed. However, in order to give him the foundation to succeed he first needs to learn the adaptive techniques of the blind. He also has to learn things like how to lean over a bowl when eating, make friends, and so many other things that we take for granted every day.

   Please go sign this petition to send Nathan to the Preschool to the Blind so he can get the best foundation possible.

Thank you,

Beth Koenig

Executive Director

Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center

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