U.S. State Department: Provide Direct Assistance to Help Starving Animals in Venezuelan Zoos

  • av: Julie S.
  • mottagare: U.S. State Department

Animals in Venezuela’s zoos are starving to death. As a result of severe economic downturn, 50 animals at Venezuela’s Caricuao Zoo have starved to death in the last six months. Numerous rabbits, porcupines, pigs, and birds went without food for as long as two weeks before they died.

Tragically, Venezuela cannot afford to import food and other necessities. In absolute desperation, zookeepers have resorted to feeding mango and pumpkin to carnivorous lions and tigers. Feeding animals such an inappropriate diet can result in bone abnormalities, organ dysfunction, and long-term neurological and psychological illness.

Famine and devastation have been reported at zoos across the country. At a zoo in Paraguana, the facility’s six bears are eating only half of the amount of food they require each day. Local businesses have been asked to donate fruit, vegetables, and meat to feed the animals, but understandably these efforts have not achieved success in a nation where people are impoverished as well.

I believe that as a compassionate society we must protect the most vulnerable beings on our Earth, and care for those whose suffering is the worst. In a country experiencing financial crisis, the suffering of animals is easily forgotten. Please join me in requesting that the U.S. State Department provides direct financial assistance to help the starving animals in Venezuelan zoos. The agony of these animals is deplorable and they need you to speak for them immediately. Please sign and share this petition today!

Dear Secretary of State John Kerry, Director Hari Sastry, and Deputy Secretary Heather Higginbottom,

I am writing to you today to request that the U.S. State Department provides direct financial assistance to help starving animals in Venezuelan zoos.

As a result of severe economic downturn, 50 animals at Venezuela’s Caricuao Zoo have starved to death in the last six months. Numerous rabbits, porcupines, pigs, and birds went without food for as long as two weeks before they died.

Tragically, Venezuela cannot afford to import food and other necessities. In absolute desperation, zookeepers have resorted to feeding mango and pumpkin to carnivorous lions and tigers. Feeding animals such an inappropriate diet can result in diarrhea, bone abnormalities, organ dysfunction, and long-term neurological and psychological illnesses.

Famine and devastation have been reported at zoos across the country. At a zoo in Paraguana, the facility’s six bears are eating only half of the amount of food they require each day. Local businesses have been asked to donate fruit, vegetables, and meat to feed the animals, but understandably these efforts have not achieved success in a nation where people are impoverished as well.

I believe that as a compassionate society we must protect the most vulnerable beings on our Earth, and care for those whose suffering is the worst. In a country experiencing financial crisis, the suffering of animals is easily forgotten.

Please show the world that the United States is a nation committed to showing compassion to all beings by providing assistance to the starving animals of Venezuela.

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