Start ABC programme for dogs in Solapur Maharashtra

  • av: Sanjay Lawand
  • mottagare: The commissioner of Solapur Muncipal corporation , Solapur

For healthy living of humans and dogs, it is necessary that dog population should be controlled by humane approach like ABC. There are number of puppies crush by vehicles and remaining starve to death. This is very disturbing situation in which we can do very little.
We can not see very pain full death of animals. To control dog bite due to distressed dogs please support the ABC programme in Solapur city


The people all over the world shown  care and concerned  about stray dogs and their speechless voices. I am thankful to you for starting ABC programme in solapur. I urge you not to taken back in the middle of this programme, we all are with you in this noble cause. Thank you,

Sanjay Lawand

Dr. Anjana Lawand 

Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Good news is SMC Solapur, started ABC for dogs, now need your support so as to maintain continuity of this programme . Thanks
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
To initiate this work the author has donated for 4 dogs to undergo birth control operation and also assisted in getting it done.
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