Demand Kerala Take Action For It's Rotting Elephants NOW

  • av: Emily Ann
  • mottagare: Governor of Kerala: Justice P. Sathasivam, Chief Minister: Shri. Pinarayi, Minister for Forests: Adv. K. Raju, Chief Secretary to Minister for Forests: Shri P Mara Pandiyan

Kerala, India is ground zero for the systematic torture of elephants. Elephants are a cultural and religious icon and play an integral role in the festival season which occurs from December to April each year. During these months there is a heightened level of cruelty towards these animals. According to Heritage Animal Task Force (HATF), a Thrissur-based NGO working for elephant welfare, approximately 100 elephants die each festival season due to cruelty or overwork.

HATF has come a long way in lobbying legislatures to pass laws that would help protect captive elephants from this horrific torture but the state and it's forest departments have neglected to fully implement the law.

The purpose of this petition is to demand the following officials take immediate action to fully implement all laws enacted to protect Kerala's captive elephants and prosecute all violators to the fullest extent of the law. I've included their email addresses for those who'd also like to send an email demanding this implementation. Draft your own or visit the following link to easily send a pre-written one:

Governor of Kerala
Justice P. Sathasivam

Chief Minister
Shri. Pinarayi Vigayan

Minister for Forests
Adv. K Raju

Chief Secretary to the Minister of Forests
Shri P Mara Pandiyan

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