Justice For Lola The Dog

  • av: Sam Toder
  • mottagare: The Chief of Police at the Hatboro Police Department, James Gardner

On Saturday, May 24, 2014, a domesticated dog and a beloved family pet named Lola was shot four times by the Pennsylvania, Hatboro Police Department.  There was a call from a neighbor that the dog attacked her yet, there were no signs of injury, not even a scratch.  The Hatboro Police responded promptly without much investigation, by firing their weapons into Lola.  They disregarded any proper policy for animal handling and never considered the myriad of options in handling the situation non-violently. 

Lola is now in a lot of pain and needs surgery.  The family needs a $2,000 deposit for Lola's surgery alone.  Should we expect them to pay for the surgery themselves or, is the Hatboro Police Department responsible for this tragic event?  Please show your support to Lola the dog and her family by signing this petition on behalf of animal cruelty everywhere and bringing this to the attention of other law enforcement services where they may see the devastation it causes in communities from irrational violence towards our animals.  Please support to urge the Hatboro Police to come forward with an apology, a statement, cover Lola's surgery, and hold the officer accountable via suspension or termination from the force.  If someone who was not an officer of the law reacted in the same manner as that Hatboro police officer did, it would be considered a criminal offense.  It is our duty as a community to monitor the police and take action against their unofficial criminal offenses against the public, as we are the only ones who can.

Lola is not just any dog; she is a young puppy beloved by her family.  This family could be yours and Lola could be anyone's adored pet.  That is why it is important to stand up for Lola and her family's suffering.  This event not only traumatized one animal but, an entire family and community.  Law enforcement officials should focus on protecting their communities, not using their firearms against the community in which Lola is very much a part of.

Please support Lola and her struggling journey toward recovery by sharing her story, donating to her family and for more updates click here: http://www.gofundme.com/9iayag 

To my knowledge the surgery was scheduled for yesterday May 27, 2014.  Wish her luck!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you signers! We have reached over 100 signers together. This is so great and thank you so much. To my immediate knowledge Lola went into surgery yesterday.

Please wish her and her family well by clicking on the link below and please share her tragic story!
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