Algonquin Wolf - Canada -threatened with extinction by corrupt government policy

  • av: Neil mcgeach
  • mottagare: Hon K. McGarry, Minsiter of Natural Resources, Queens Park, Toronto, ON

Algonquin Park is in danger of silencing the unique Algonquin Wolf for ever. The same Ontario Liberal government, arguably the most corrupt gov't In Canada, has listed the Algonquin Wolf as Threatened , in status. This same gov't, in contradiction to its responsibilities has allowed hunting and trapping on the claim that they can not be distinguished from coyotes. This gov't needs to held to account. According to, the government's" own research shows that without more protection in Ontario, where most of the wolves are found, recovery is virtually impossible." Americans have clout due to the impact of tourism in Ontario. Let's save this great Wolf from corrupt politicians !  STOP all wolf hunting and trapping surrounding Algonquin.

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