Reintroduce The Grizzly Bears To California's Sierra Nevada

The Grizzly bear was once a normal resident throughout California, from the mountainous regions to the beaches.  Persecution through the years drove the bears away from their own land, with the last of the bears tragically shot in 1924.

Conservationists are now taking steps to bring the Grizzly bear back to its homeland.  We are urging the California Fish and Game Commission to consider reintroducing the Grizzlies back to California’s Sierra Nevada region, which is an area of 8,000 square miles of prime habitat. A minimal amount of the bears reside in the Rocky Mountains but if they are truly to recover, they need to return to their native homelands in remote areas of the American West.

The Grizzly bear is iconic in California, presented on the state flag.  We have created this petition in an effort to reintroduce the Grizzly bear back into the Golden State.  You can help us to bring back this iconic part of the state by signing and sharing this petition. 

California Fish and Game Commission – We strongly urge you to reintroduce the grizzly bears to California’s Sierra Nevada, taking the necessary steps in bringing these majestic, iconic animals back to their natural homeland.  They are still part of the flag and have been gone for far too long.  Bring the grizzlies back to the remote areas of the Golden State.

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