Accountability for the Selfie Ashville Bear Cubs taken out of trees 2024

  • av: Paula Hae
  • mottagare: NC Wildlife and Police

On Thursday 2024.04.18 a family living in the adjacent apartment complex, the family took at least two cubs out of a tree. The tree was on the other side of the fence. They picked at least two off the tree, like it was nothing and they didn't care. Subsequently dropping one bear and one stranded and scared. The one that was dropped couldn't get back into the tree and on the other side of the fence where the mother was. At a minimum this was animal abuse.
By not pressing any charges, what's to say some other selfi-serving, lack of knowledge for wild animals, will only encourage others. Add to that last year the Blue Ridge Highway had to be closed due to people feeding cubs. At some point someone will get hurt. But far more importantly would not want to see a cub or mother/father bear killed.
Doubt they would like someone picking them up and dropping them. 

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