Bring Back Roseanne

  • av: Alex Trower
  • mottagare: Fans of Roseanne and Lower and middle class America

Abc cancelled Roseannes reboot over a racial tweet and i believe its an outrage so as a viewer im trying to get Roseanne back on tv again and on a different network possibly so together lets get roseanne back on Tv because finally the middle america had a voice on tv that supported the middle class or poverty of america.Roseanne is a great program that everyone can learn from or relate to so lets save and bring back Roseanne

Uppdatera #26 år sedan
Its been nearly a day since i started the petition and weve gotten nearly 800 signatures so to everyone who signed thank you in wanting to try and save Roseanne and if we could share this petition so we can get more support my goal is 100000 signatures and i believe with the help of social media and you guys i believe we can make this happen so once again thank you for supporting my cause
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Share this petition so we can bring back Roseanne
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