Atlanta’s Cop City Is Being Funded by the Corporate Elite

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Atlanta Police Foundation funders

Georgia police murdered Manuel "Tortuguita" Terán, an environmental activist and protestor. Tortuguita was shot while protesting Cop City, a military-style police training complex set to be built in place of Atlanta's South River Forest, also known as the Weelaunee Forest. Officials claim that Cop City will make Atlanta "safe," but this brutal murder shows their true intent.

Sign the petition to demand Atlanta Police Foundation funders divest from Cop City!

The Atlanta Police Foundation is building Cop City thanks to corporate donors including Amazon, Chick-fil-A, and Delta. According to the Stop Cop City movement, "The Atlanta Police Foundation is accountable to Atlanta's wealthy elite, not the citizens of Atlanta."

Following Tortuguita's murder, police arrested seven protesters, who were then charged with domestic terrorism. 

Authorities are trying to portray the protesters as sinister, describing growing criminal behavior and terroristic acts. Meanwhile, protesters are simply trying to prevent expanding police militarization and the destruction of Atlanta's natural environment. In fact, up until Cop City was announced in 2021, the Weelaunee Forest was at the center of Atlanta's plans to preserve nature and combat climate change.

Sign the petition to demand Atlanta Police Foundation funders divest from Cop City!

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