Petition to oppose REZ23-0010: which would rezone the old Kirkwood Community College plot from residential to more chemical industrial.
Explanation: On Jan. 17 the Iowa City Planning & Zoning Commission held a public meeting to discuss Proctor & Gamble's request to rezone the old Kirkwood Community College plot from residential to industrial. There was much opposition but the Commission voted 7-0 to allow REZ23-0010 to be passed on to the Iowa City Council for approval.
Please add your name and a comment to this petition if you oppose Proctor &Gamble's expanding their industrial operations within our city limits.
The current P&G facilities on Lower Muscatine have been reported for polluting our air with hazardous chemicals & noxious fumes throughout the years. The smell of Head & Shoulders shampoo and solvents are most known. However, in the past few years we have noticed an abrupt increase in frequency and concentration of even more concerning acetone-like smells (similar to nail polish remover). These unhealthy levels of acetone-smelling chemicals forced many of us in SE Iowa City to retreat indoors, and close windows and doors. The concentration level varied for several months but the days of high concentration caused headaches, skin and eye irritation, and shortness of breath for my family (and likely others... please list your experiences in "Comments").
Both P&G facilities in SE Iowa City have a record of pollution right here in town. For further details and documentation, you can conduct an internet search of the following: "EPA My Environment" /MyAir/MoreAir/Air Facilities: Enlarge Map/zoom in to SE IC/Air Pollution (ICIS-AIR) (69)...& Toxic Releases to Air (TRI) (13). Click on the blue icons in the map for Detailed Facility Reports,41.64988,-91.51707&pText=52240%2C%20Iowa%20City%2C%20Iowa&pTheme=home
Each Detailed Facility Report is data collected by the EPA, from the facility in question. Notice the Envionmental Justice Community Report where EJ Indexes of our area can be 'compared to the state'. It indicates that ours is the MOST TOXIC COMMUNITY, THE MOST AT-RISK FOR HAZARDOUS EXPOSURE, IN THE STATE, for 5 EJ Indexes.
If the Iowa City Council approves this rezoning request for Proctor & Gamble to expand their manufacturing plant on the old Kirkwood Community College land, they will be violating the criteria by which they are obligated to make such decisions. The criteria for rezoning in Iowa City are twofold:
Approval must be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood character.
Approval must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Neighborhood and Development Services Departments mission statement which reads as follows; "We work to create community and find solutions that promote healthy neighborhoods and a vibrant business community."
This rezoning proposal fails to meet both criteria. This proposal is not compatible with the neighborhood character, nor is it consistent with planning goals of protecting public health, sustainability, or climate resiliance. The proposal would futher hinder our ability to breathe and live a healthy lives (which are essential factors in urban land use and zoning law.
We in southeast IC are already marginalized and overburdened by envionmental hazards. This area has become a sacrifice zone.
Below is what one month of extensive research has produced for me:
I am now aware of which hazardous chemicals are used (permitted) at one or both chemical manufacturing P&G facilities on Lower Muscatine: Glycol Ethers, Hydrochloric acid, Methyl Ethyl Ketones (MEK), Mercury compounds, Nitrate compounds, Selenium compounds, Zinc compounds, Barium, Lead, Benzene, Methylene chloride, Chromium, Xylene, Acetone, Toulene, Xylene, Chlorobenzene. We know this to be true because the facilities are reuired to disclose this data to the EPA because these chemicals/compounds/substances are hazardous and toxic to human life and development.
P&G Hair Care, 2200 Lower Muscatine, states that in 2022 they released 520 pounds of TRI Air Toxics into the air; 510 pounds of TRI HAPs; and 500 pounds of Ozone Precursors (VOCs). Phthalates are not yet regulated so we have no direct evidence pointing to which phthalates or alternative plasticizers they use, or how much they release.
I am aware that the most recent EPA or DNR stack testing we could find was 2014 for P&G Hair Care, and in 2016 for P&G Oral Care.
Regulatory records (specific data reports: RCRA, AIR and ICIS, etc) for P&G Oral Care are missing (as of 3/5/2024) since they bought it from Oral-B in 2016. Two DNR employees told us they could not find any more records.
I am now aware that we live in what the EPA and CDC call a "Disadvantaged Community". (See EJScreen Community Report)
EJScreen Community Report indicates that we have a shortened life expectancy due to our proximity to certain EJ Indexes for pollution and exposure risk. (Pin drop at Kirkwood Ave and Howell indicates an AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY of 39 YEARS.
Approx. 15,000 people, who live within a mile of P&G Oral Care, are in peril because we live too close to chemical/plastics manufacturing of both P&G facilities on Lower Muscatine.
Look up your home on the EPA Environmental Justice Screening Tool (EJScreen):
Zoom in to your zip code or 52240.
Select the PAPER symbol for REPORTS on the top left of the map.
Select "Drop a Pin" and drop it on your street...or at Kirkwood and Howell.
Select: Add to Map the 1-mile buffer ring.
Now tap on EJScreen Community Report link.
I have done this pin drop for about 30 places in and around Iowa City.
The Ave Life Expectancy for the circle around 4th Ave and I St is 58 years.
And the Life Expectancy for Howell St & Kirkwood Ave is 39 years.
The Shive-Hattery civil engineer who said that Lower Muscatine Rd and the railroad tracks are adequate barriers or buffers does not appear to be credible. (See PZ Agenda Packet for 1/17/2024.)
Final Note:
Please write to the City Council.
Their group email is:
All correspondence addressed to the City Council becomes a permanent public record.
Let them know how damaging these industries are. They are a real threat to fetal & childhood development, adrenal function, and neurological and hormone regulation. The chemical manufacturing industry is too toxic to be near the 7 schools and over 500 homes in our area. As an alternative, the former campus area could be approved for an industry that does not threaten the health of our neighborhood. Let's make toothbrushes out of all the downed trees or bamboo?! How about a natural fiber clothing store, or an ANYTHING BUT PLASTIC household products store? Let's get an EJ grant and turn Kirkwood into an EJ Community Center, air monitoring station, covered bus stop, and arboretum of native species to filter our air.
March 21, 2024 Post City Council Hearing 1 -Update
Watch it here:
City Council chose profit over people on 3/19/2024 - all except Councilor, Mazahir Salih, our superhero- the only Councilor worthy of her position & our respect.
We were allowed 3min ea to make our case. P&G was allowed to mislead as long as they wanted. The video is worth watching. In the end, after all of their patronizing bluster, I'm not sure this wasn't decided in the City Manager's office months ago. Is this all a show?
We succeeded in stopping them from using their previous excuses at least. But they, just like the Planning and Zoning Commission before, still claim they can't be bothered with air quality when rezoning.
I think that is the most inhumane thing I have ever heard. We need data. It's time to measure pollutants since P&G will not share their testing data with us; and since the Council refuses to accept our first-hand experiences as evidence to reject this resolution.
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