Foie Gras- Stop the force feeding!

  • av: Ashley Tinsley Moore
  • mottagare: President, Derek Towle 317-326-7306, Tom Stevens 317-796-2437, Brad Armstrong 317-409-4907.

Foie gras production involves force-feeding restrained ducks by shoving  10 inch non l;ubricated and non bendable metal pipes down their throats multiple times a day, called gavage, and pumping them full of grain, or corn and fat, which leads to acute hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver disease, which leaves ducks suffering with malfunctioning livers that are ten times their normal size. The practice is considered cruel and inhumane and has already been banned in a dozen countries, while several others have a ban on force-feeding

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There is a comissioners meeting here in Hancock County on July 23, 2013 at 8 am and we need to get our voices out there to prevent this cruel farm from comming here.

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